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Machinery Division
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Machinery Division
A history of achievement in the field of chemical plant construction,environment-related equipment,& other major contributions to numerous industries.

Main Products
Distillation Equipment Distillation Equipment
Our distillation methodology and our distillation, rectification, and fractional distillation equipment reflects our many years of experience in this field. Drawing on our ample store of know-how and data, we've carefully considered such things as scientific efficiency, efficient thermal recycling equipment, economic feasibility, and user-friendliness and come up with a system that offers the user the most economic rectification and fractional distillation equipment possible.

Warning Security
Extremely sensitive, the fail-proof 'Warning: M' is a security system which has been designed to completely thwart shop-lifters and other thieves. It is currently being widely used in a variety of shops.
Echo Challenger Unit-Type Solvent Recycling Devices
A specialist in the field of organic solvent distillation and rectification, IZUMI considers how to best preserve the earth and its limited resources when it designs and constructs plants. In a time when environmental problems are coming under close scrutiny, we are trying harder than ever to promote recycling. Our Echo Challenger series of small unit solvent recycling devices reflects this concern.

Pipe Filters
Mist generally refers to water droplets from 0.5 to 10in size. When such mist becomes combined with certain processes, however, trouble can arise in the form of air pollution and other environmental problems. Our pipe filters are designed to prevent such problems from arising.
Bellaria   High Performance Deodorizer
Bellaria means (R) "beautiful air" in Italian, and it is a deodorizer developed to tackle all kinds of odors. The chief ingredient is hydrated magnesium silicate (a type of natural porous clay), which creates unsurpassed absorption power by bonding with the offending odor.
Acid and Alkali-Resistant Lining Cement
A special cement with acid and alkali-resistant qualities, Prekrete is a tough lining material which resists corrosion, is durable, and absorbs very little water. It also demonstrates the same tensile strength as steel. Chemically inorganic and inert, it is a completely non-toxic product and is therefore widely used to line water and beverage tanks, chimneys, and ventilator shafts.

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